Dan Belts -- Vertical Rank

from £13.95
Price plus VAT, plus delivery

 DETAILS -- These belts have your rank shown Vertically plus TKD written in the official Korean script on one end - At the other end of the belt you have the five tenets of TKD exactly as written by the founder and as shown on page 12 of the condensed encyclopaedia

NAMES on BELT -- We are sorry but we DO NOT put extra details on your belt and it will come to you as shown in the pictures - For personalisation we recommend that you find a local embroider who should be able to put your name on your belt for you - often this can be done at a Dry Cleaners shop. 

CORRECT -- the belts are designed to go once round your waist to signify -- "Ohdoikwan" the pursuit of one goal -- Ilpyondanshim to serve one master -- Ilkyopilsung to gain victory with one blow - All as detailed on page 373 of the Condensed encyclopaedia

PRODUCTION METHOD -- For all embroidery the needle can only go up and down with the cloth held in a moving clamp under the needle - To embroider it is necessary to put a piece of backing material behind the cloth and this backing will pull-off to leave the reverse image of the embroidery and if you do not like this reverse image you could cover it over with a black laundry marker pen -- ALSO note that because of the narrow width of the belt it is necessary to use an adhesive to hold the backing material in position and this adhesive can be picked-off or rubbed to remove - When it arrives you will see some of the above is still on your belt and if you are not happy with the belt you can return it for a full 100% refund -

SIZES -- All belts are 5 cms wide and a minimum of 5 mm thick - To get your correct length tie a belt round your waist that actually fits you then measure to get your correct length - remember to including the knot.

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