Black Belt Book

from £18.95
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Your instructors time is limited so they cannot give you the individual details of exactly how every movement must be performed to work correctly - For you to fully understand what you are doing you must study your art properly so that you will always know exactly how your techniques work.

-- BEST SELLER -- this Book is very easy to understand with a large number of photographs to illustrate details and every year many hundreds of people buy this book - often because they have seen a friends copy and no person has ever told us they are unhappy with their book.

-- DETAILS -- This book has been carefully checked by Grandmasters and is packed with FULL DETAILS of every movement from "Kwang-Gae" through to "Moon-Moo"  including huge amounts of specialised information to tell you exactly how each move must be correctly performed to work effectively - PLUS - all of the information and detail that you will ever need to know so that you can go from 1st Dan right through to your 5th Degree

-- SIZE -- the book is 16 x 21 x 2 cms with 367 pages and has been carefully designed to be very easy to carry in your training bag for instant reference - The book is spiral bound so that you can lay it open to study and practice the exact details of every movement.

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